WhatsApp recently added some brand-new features to the app. Now, we can scan unique QR codes and save or message new contacts. WhatsApp seems to be working on several other new features that will be useful for many users. People seeking the answer to how to create WhatsApp account with the same number on different devices will have it soon. According to reports, WhatsApp is working on the feature to roll out soon in an update. With the WhatsApp upcoming update, users will get access to the same account on different devices. WhatsApp multiple devices update is a feature that many users must be looking for. In this article, we will discuss WhatsApp's upcoming update, i.e., WhatsApp multi-device update, and will add the WhatsApp latest Apk download link directly from the Play Store for safe download.

WhatsApp Upcoming Update

As the competition in the social media market is increasingly fierce now, the new up-and-coming mogul apps, like Telegram, offer some great features. The last update from WhatsApp was for improving user experience and adding some new features. Similarly, now, WhatsApp is looking forward to allowing users to use the same WhatsApp with a single number on different devices. This can be very useful for those using multiple phones. It is expected that soon WhatsApp will push this update for all.

WhatsApp Multi-device Update

As we reported a while ago, you will soon be able to use a single number to get access to your WhatsApp account on up to 4 devices. This will help users to access their account on several smartphones. Due to the pandemic and the subsequent lockdown, WhatsApp has seen significant growth in the usage of its app. Now, WhatsApp will give users the option to access their accounts on multiple devices easily.

How to Create WhatsApp Account with the Same Number on Different Devices?

Currently, this feature in the testing phase. We will update you as soon as WhatsApp pushes it to the beta phase. So, for now, let’s enjoy the existing features on WhatsApp.

That’s it for this post. Keep an eye out on gozatech for the latest tech updates.

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